Crystal Palace FC Golf Day and Dinner

By Mark Tomkinson
Wednesday 4th May 2011

Crystal Palace FC Golf Day and Dinner

You were breathtakingly funny as usual and added greatly to everyone's enjoyment of the day

Martin Long,co-Chairman CPFC

Bob-the-Cat-in-his-special-buggy-11.jpgBob “the Cat” in his special buggy at the Crystal Palace FC Golf Day

Bob-is-to-write-a-foreward-for-a-book-on-football-11.jpgBob is to write a foreward for a book on football mascots. Here he poses with Crystal Palace’s twin Eagles

Cat-gets-a-BirdieAfter-the-Eagle-mascots-here-is-11.jpgCat gets a Birdie.
After the Eagle mascots here is with the real thing.

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Grumpy old goalies


Bob 'The Cat' Bevan